Seven reasons why we should vote, protest and talk politics with our kids.

Eliza VanCort
6 min readNov 2, 2020
Me holding a sign while protesting with my parents in the 1970s.

Political Parenting = Moral Parenting

Recently, I was speaking to a couple who told me their daughter had come to them looking for guidance. They don’t talk much about politics in their family, and it was her first-time voting. She didn’t know what to do, or how to vote. She wasn’t sure she understood the issues. Their answer to her was this: “You’ll be fine.”

Really? She’ll be fine?

It’s 2020. We have catastrophic numbers of small businesses shuttering, a rise in drug and alcohol abuse, anti-Black violence, not to mention fire, plague, voter suppression, murder hornets whose sting reportedly feels like fire searing your flesh, a new Supreme Court Justice who walked through the doors RBG opened for her while slamming them in the faces of future generations of women and the President of the United States believes red blooded Americans should have the right to kill each other because they don’t feel like wearing masks. Oh, and you can’t buy ammunition in much of the country. Why? It’s sold out! Things are not fine, and they will continue not to be fine unless something radically changes.

“You’ll be fine.”

This statement got me thinking about how we can right this mammoth ship that is America, a…

